
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together

Term Dates

           SCHOOL HOLIDAY LIST 2024-2025


 School closes 3.45pmSchool opens 8.45am
School year starts 

Tue 3rd + Wed 4th September

(home visits only)

Thursday 5th September

(returning children)

Half termFriday 18th OctoberMonday 28th October
ChristmasThursday 19th December

Monday 6th January

(all returning children)

Tuesday 7th January

(children who are transitioning from

yellow to green/blue nursery to return)

Half termFriday 14th FebruaryMonday 24th February
EasterFriday 4th AprilWednesday 23rd April
May DayFriday 2nd MayTuesday 6th May
Spring BankFriday 23rd MayTuesday 3rd June
SummerMonday 21st July 


Term dates 2025/2026
