
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together

Blue Nursery

Presentation Day

After a year of nursery, we presented the children with their learning Journals today.  What a wonderful day of celebrating amazing children that have learned so much!

Morning Children

Afternoon children

Photos from our sports day! Thank you to all the families who came to share this amazing day with us. 

Friday 5th July 2024

Star readers of the week!

Friday 28th June 2024 

Star Readers Of The Week! 


Friday 14th June 2024

Our Star Readers Of The Week! 

Friday 17th May 2024 

Our Star Readers Of The Week! 

Friday 10th May 2024 

Our Star Reader!

Friday 3rd May 2024 


Our Star Readers Of The Week!     

Tuesday 20th April

Our interactive Oral Health Story

We had a visit from Hina the storyteller who performed an interactive story all about oral health. A good time was had by all. Thank you to the families who attended. 

Culture and Heritage


Today Naomi and Rachel came from BrazUKa & Katumba Team.

The children experienced music, dance and drumming from Brazil and went on a journey through a Brazilian rainforest.

It has been another wonderful day!

24th April 2024


Culture and Heritage


Today Naomi and Rachel came from BrazUKa & Katumba Team.

The children experienced music, dance and drumming from Brazil and went on a journey through a Brazilian rainforest.

It has been another wonderful day!

Monday 22nd April 2024 


Our Star Readers! 

19th April 2024

Easter Egg Competition Winners

Well done to all our winners!

19th April 2024

Our Eid Party

We celebrated Eid today in Blue. The children loved our party.

They did some dancing, they made up their own plate of party food and they looked at some really special artefacts that related to Ramadan and Eid.  We ended the morning by all sitting together and sharing our delicious plates of food.

Thank you to all parents that brought the delicious food!

18th April 2024

Eid Celebrations

What a wonderful day we have had at nursery.  Lots of Eid crafts, mehndi and a visit from Charly (Burnley Youth Theatre)

Charly read a story called 'Can you find my Eid presents' to all the children.  She then went into the reading den and small groups of children went to do lots of different drama with her.



Monday 15th April 2024

100 Books Star Reader

Wednesday 27th March 2024

100 Books Star Reader

Wednesday 27th March 2024 

Award for great attendance

Friday 22nd March 2024

150 Books Star Reader

Monday 11th March 2024


                                                50 Books Star Reader

Blue Pm Stay and Read

Thursday 7th March 2024

Story Teller live from Burnley Youth Theatre

Today the children had the experience  of listening to a story teller via a live link through to Burnley Youth Theatre. This tied in amazingly with World Book Day today. The children had the opportunity to have an interactive story experience which they really enjoyed.

Blue Am Stay and Read

Monday 4th March 2024

Pm Farm Visit

Monday 4th March 2024

Am Farm Visit

Thursday 7th February 2024

Look at all our Star Readers!


Well done to Aadam (150 books), Arzoo (50 books), Aizah (100 books), Duhaa  (50 books), Azaan (150 books), Mikael (100 books), Ghulam and Hafsa (50 books), Aqsa (50 books), for being our Star Readers in Blue Nursery.

Friday 26th January 2024

50 Books Star Reader


Well done to Ali for reaching 50 books!

Wednesday 10th January 2024 

Our 50 books Star Readers


Well done to Aairah, Qamer, Abeeha and Shahzain yes.

Wednesday 20th December 2023


Christmas party with the arrival of Father Christmas himself was a memorable moment for the children. They thoroughly enjoyed it!smiley

Am Christmas party 2023

Pm Christmas party 

Thursday 21st December 2023

The children loved our Gruffalo cinema experience to end our Christmas term. They enjoyed getting comfortable and eating popcorn!

Our Gruffalo cinema experience

19th December 2023

Christmas Dinner 

Ellen made our Christmas dinner today.  Roast chicken with all the trimmings.  We wore party hats and Christmas glasses!

Friday 8th December 2023

Well done to our Star Reader Haider Ahmed for reaching 50 books!

Thursday 7th December 2023

Star Readers for reading 50 books!

Decorating our prickly Christmas tree

Thursday 7th December 2023

Stay and play Stickman


Friday 1st December 2023

Star Readers!

Well done to Mikael  (50 books), Aadam  (100 books), Fiza (50 books) and Aizah (50 books) for becoming our Blue Nursery Star Readers!

Thursday 19th October 2023


Class Promises

This week the children have been learning about our class promises. They have done so well, even learning an action to help remember the promise.

We have all promised to be kind; use our helping hands; use quiet voices inside; share and take turns; walk inside; look after our toys.

Thursday 12th October 2023


Star Readers!

A big well done to our Star Readers, Karamat for reading 150 books. Azaan  for reading 100 books and Sabeeha for 50 books. Keep reading, well done!

Friday 6th October 2023


We're Going on a Bear Hunt!

I couldn't help share a snapshot taken of the children during the story We're Going on a Bear Hunt. The children have enjoyed this interactive story and have shown amazing Speaking and Listening skills. So impressive:). If you want to see the full video clip, please come and ask me I will be happy to show you!

Friday 6th October 2023


Jimmy's watching you...

Jimmy Giant has been introduced to the children to help children understand the importance of being kind and having excellent morals. The children have loved seeing Jimmy Giant coming out to play in Blue Nursery, he watches the children whilst playing so he can celebrate and encourage fantastic values. Jimmy has helped prepare the children for when we learn further about our class promises. Thank you Jimmy Giant;)

Jimmy Giant

Friday 6th October 2023


Our Core story: The Colour Monster

The children have really enjoyed learning all about our feelings. All week we have been learning about a different emotion; happy, sad, angry, scared and calm. The children have been so interested and showed their learning by using excellent vocabulary too. Knowing about these feelings helps us to better manage them and help the children to feel happier and healthiersmiley!

Friday 15th September 2023



The Blue Nursery team would just like to say a warm welcome to all the children who have already started and are yet to start next week. The children have done so well settling in and coming into nursery all by themselves! I am sure the children who have not yet started will settle in just fine and we are all so excited to meet you!
