
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together

Late/Absence Procedures

Your child should attend all of their Nursery sessions unless they are too unwell to do so.

If your child is unwell then they should not attend Nursery. 


Please phone reception to let us know that your child is too unwell to attend.

The main phone line will be manned between 8.30am & 4:00pm.

Out of these hours please ring main reception on 01282 615183  to leave an absence message.


If you do not contact us the office will contact with you to determine the reason for absence.


Where attendance is poor, we will discuss the reasons for absence with you to try and try to improve attendance for your child.

Where attendance does not improve, the headteacher will meet with you and the place may be allocated to another child on our waiting list.


Please see the school brochure & our attendance policy for more detail.


Being on-time 

It is important that once children have settled into Nursery routine they should attend for their full session

Morning: 8.45am-11.30am

Afternoon: 12.45pm- 3.30pm 

The doors will remain open for 15 minutes to allow all children to be welcomed in to class.


Where children arrive after 9am or 1pm 

The main doors will be closed and you must report to our main reception. 

Late arrivals after the start of the session will impact on your child's emotional well being as their friends will have already begun their learning and play.

It is important that children stay until the end of the session as they are engaged in key learning in their story groups at this time. 


If there is an emergency and you are going to be late - please inform the main office.


We would much rather your child arrives late, on these occasions, than not at all. 
