
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together



Bradley Nursery School Governing Body

Bradley Nursery school has a Governing Body that is made up of 9 Stakeholders including staff, parents, community and Local Authority representatives.  The Governing Body has a legal responsibility for the Nursery School and work with myself, the Headteacher to set the vision and strategic aims of the school and to monitor and evaluate performance. 
Our Governing Body are actively involved with the school and regularly attend meetings, observe in nursery school, support on visits and join in celebrations and special events.  They are always keen to hear your views and opinions on our school, so please feel free to approach them informally when they are in nursery, by email to or by completing Parent View via our website.

Parents Governors are parents of pupils attending nursery school at the time of their appointment.  Parents express an interest when there is a vacancy and where there are more applicants than places available, are chosen by the majority of votes made by parents.  All parents of children in nursery school are eligible to be a Parent Governor. 

Staff Governors are elected by the staff of the school, Local Authority representatives are elected by Lancashire County Council and Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing Body based on their skills and experience relevant to the school.

Diversity is important to our school. We are keen to ensure that our Governing Board is reflective of our community.

Full Governing Body Meetings are held in nursery school termly, three per year.  In addition there are termly Resources and Curriculum committee meetings also held in nursery school.

If you would like any further information about our Governing Body, please speak to the Headteacher or the school office.



Chair of Governors

Ms. Susan Nike
( Child Protection, On-line Safety & PREVENT Governor )



Vice Chair

Janet Pears ( Early Literacy Link )




Mrs Kay Burke ( Headteacher )


Staff Representative

Mrs Sughra Bibi ( Parental Engagement Link ) 


Parent Representatives

Mr Michael Lasisi 

Miss Tanzeela Mahmood ( PSED link )



Co-opted Governors

Mrs K Robbins ( Communication and Language Link ) ( Finance / Progress, Attainment and Data )

Mrs Tracy Marlow
Sophie Smith


If you are interested in becoming a Governor please speak to the Headteacher or a member of our office
