
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together

Nature play

Kirsty and Farzana are our qualified nature play practitioners who are here to enhance and facilitate our children's learning. We want every learner to become an independent, reflective and inquisitive explorer; developing confidence and self-esteem. Nature play supports complete holistic development by offering alternative ways to learn, grow and develop by hands on experiences. 

In our nature area we love to wear our waterproofs. This enables us to fully experience what the natural elements offers us each day. The weather offers us different opportunities for learning such as kite making on a windy day or making marks in the snow. 


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Whilst experimenting with water we make predictions about what we think might happen and use open ended resources to enhance our learning. We use ropes, tyres and wooden planks to build and make challenges for the children to climb and balance. The children also work together with their friends to practice new skills and have a go at new experiences. 


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We learn how to use tools such as loppers, the bow saw, axe, mallet and hammers in a safe and appropriate way. This teaches our children how to begin to manage their own risks. We use our specified tool area and have trust in the children that they will take on board each tool talk such as listening in an appropriate manner and sitting in a safe space. 

Other learning opportunities include digging, cooking on a fire, hunting for bugs and playing in the mud kitchen. We also play games such as hide and seek, what time is it Mr wolf and hush don't wake the dragon up. Using the nature area for our play encourages children to be aware of their surroundings as the ground is very uneven and there are many obstacles that we need to look out for. This is important for strengthening young children's core muscles and physical skills. 

Planting seeds and growing flowers inspires children to be sensitive towards plants and wildlife and teaches them how to care for our environment. 

We want to learn in a classroom without walls.

Whilst we are out in our nature area we promise to ...

Wear our outside clothes,

Look up, look down, look all around,

Move safely,

Be kind friends,

Work together to help our friends,

Use our own ideas,

Take care of plants and wildlife,

Have fun!

