
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together

Green Nursery

Welcome to Green Nursery!

Green Nursery Class Promises 2023 - 2024

In Green Nursery, we want to feel safe and to learn

So we promise to...

  • Walk slowly inside
  • Talk quietly inside
  • To be kind friends and use kind words and hands (help our friends if they feel sad or angry)
  • Stop  and listen when we hear '123, everybody stop and look at me'
  • To do good sitting, good looking and good listening

25th September 2023

The Colour Monster

We have started our new core story 'The Colour Monster' 

Today he is yellow because he is feeling happy.  We have done lots of lovely yellow learning this morning.  We were happy, just like the colour monster.

26th September 2023

The Colour Monster is 'blue' as he is feeling sad!

Look at the blue learning we did today, to help us remember what sad looks and feels like. 


27th September 2023

Angry Red learning (morning)

The colour monster is red as he is feeling angry! We did lots of red learning this morning...

28th September 2023

The Colour Monster is feeling 'scared'

Have a look at our lovely black (scary) learning

Scared Black learning (afternoon)

29th September 2023

The Colour Monster is feeling 'calm'

Have a look at our peaceful calm green learning...


Calm Green learning (afternoon)

29th September 2023

Our First Star Reader!

2nd October 2023

Colour Monster 'group time' learning

I want to share how amazing your children are at group time. 

They know the routine and our listening expectations! 

(Good sitting, good looking and good listening)

They have listened, learned and now know all about the different emotions/feelings of the colour monster and the colours that represent them!

Group time learning (morning and afternoon)

13th October 2023

Star Readers


18th October 2023

We went on a word hunt!

After looking at print in the environment over the last few days, we challenged the children to search for words in the classroom environments, both inside and out.

They found words and writing everywhere!

20th October 2023

Another Star Reader

20th October 2023

Talking about our feelings and emotions


I wanted to share some of the conversations we have had with the children about their feelings and emotions...



"Bugs make me scared.  Bugs came out my home.  My mum get it outside, that's what my mum do!"


"Fly's make me scared!"


Her reply to what makes her feel happy was "When I see butterflies and daddy comes!"


"I feel calm when my daddy picks me up and takes me for a long drive!"


Abiha said she feels sad when "mummy says I can't wear sleeveless"

Abiha said she feels angry when "Daddy doesn't take me to the park!"


Emilis said he feels happy when "Play playdoughs!"


"I'm scared of the dark and monsters!"


"I'm scared of spiders!"


Haadi said he feels happy when he gets new shoes



20th October 2023

Our First Half Term


10th November 2023

More Star Readers

17th November 2023

More Star Readers

24th November 2023

The Heavy Pumpkin Cracked

The children have been learning what heavy feels like by lifting heavy things.  We had a really big heavy pumpkin.  

A crack appeared on the bottom of the pumpkin.  What happened next...

Mamma Mia

After Mia recently played a pop song on the xylophone (I just can't get enough by Depeche Mode), Tracy borrowed the song from her friend on a vinyl record.


She brought her record player and we listened to the pop song.


We also listened to Mamma Mia, by Abba as Khadija, Mia and Ophelia talk about that song all the time.


If you go to the Video' tab, under children on the menu, you will see videos of some of the children dancing!

7th December 2023

Stay and Play

Today we had our first 'Stay and Play'  It was led by students from Nelson and Colne College.

It was such an amazing experience for the children and their parents, based around the story 'Stickman'

They made a worry doll, they did a treasure hunt, they made a tee pee for Stickman to live in, they made a raft for Stickman to float on, they made a clay leaf, they made a luddi stick and did a stickman dance to finish off!

The afternoon was different as the rain came.  But, the children still enjoyed amazing experiences, the stickman dance was inside, it was amazing!

Thank you to all that came and joined in!


8th December 2023

More Star Readers

8th December 2023

Attendance Certificates

Well done to all the children who have received their attendance certificates and prizes 

Morning children

Afternoon children

13th December 2023

The Christmas Story

The children have performed the Christmas Story today.  They were amazing!

Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to see it!


15th December 2023

More Star Readers

19th December 2023

Christmas Dinner 

Ellen made our Christmas dinner today.  Roast chicken with all the trimmings.  We wore party hats and Christmas glasses!

20th December 2023

Christmas Party Day

We had a wonderful Christmas Party today. 

The children played games and danced, they made their own party food and had a very special visitor, all dressed in red!

Santa came to see them and brought everyone a Christmas gift!

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

As we come to the end of our first term, on behalf of everybody in Green Nursery, I would like to wish you a safe, relaxing holiday and a Happy New Year!

12th January 2024

A super start to the year with two 'Star Readers'


16th January 2024

Exploring changes in the weather and having fun in the snow!

The children loved exploring the cold snow in the outdoor classroom.  They had snowy learning inside too! What a wonderful day we had...

17th January 2024

The Hungry Giant

Some of the children have been enjoying the story, 'The Hungry Giant'

Today, they made honey sandwiches. 

Most of them enjoyed eating the sandwiches, just like the giant

26th January 2024

More Star Readers

2nd February 2024

More Star Readers


9th February 2024

Celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year


9th February 2024

Tomato soup for a 'Hungry Giant'


The children made tomato soup, just like in the story 'The Hungry Giant's Soup'

The best bit was tasting the soup when it was cooked!

9th February 2024

A Super Star reader

(200 books)

Another Star Reader

23d February 2024

More Star Readers


1st March 2024

More Star Readers


4th March 2024

Allday's Farm

Farmer Stacey and Sarah-Jane brought lots of animals today for the children to meet.  They all absolutely loved the experience and we really did learn lots of new facts about the animals.


Small animals


Caramac the lop eared rabbit is 5 years old.  She likes to eat carrots, apples and hay and she drinks water.  She has fur that felt really soft.  A baby rabbit is called a kitten.


Pandora and Maggie, the guinea pigs.  They are 5 years old too.  They are sisters and like to eat cucumber, water melon, peppers, lettuce and hay.  They also drink water.   A baby guinea pig is called a pup.


Zoomer the chinchila is 2 years old.  He is from Peru (South America), the same place as Paddington Bear.  He eats berries and caterpillars and drinks water.  Zoomer sleeps during the day and is as soft as candy floss.  Zoomer cannot get wet, he has a bath in sand.  He can jump really really high.  A baby chilnchila is called a kit.


Hettie the hen and Rasil Basil the rooster, are both 4 years old.  Hettie is one of the worlds smallest chickens and has soft feathers.  She likes to eat corn and worms and drinks water.  Hettie the hen lays eggs.  A baby hen is called a chick.  She is  a serama  hen.


Millie the corn snake is 8 years old.  It had a head, body and tail, no eyelids, no legs and no hands.  It has scales and eats 1 mouse on Sunday.  A baby snake is called a snakelet.


Large animals


Pudding the pony is 13 years old.  She is a minature shetland pony, chestnut colour.  She eats hay, cereal and drinks water.  She has hooves that are growing all the time.  Her hooves need to be trimmed by a blacksmith.  A baby pony is called a foal.


Dennis the menace and Po  are sheep.  They are not even one year old yet. They are both boys and eat hay, cereal and drink water.  They are covered in wool and have no top teeth.  A baby sheep is called a lamb.


Sky the goat is 8 years old and Tinkerbell is 2 years old.  They are both girls and eat hay, cereal and drink water. They like to climb and will spend around 18 hours a day grazing.  A baby goat is called a kid.


 You could talk to your children about these facts and ask them all about their farm experience.


7th March 2024

World Book Day 2024

Today we really have celebrated our love of books.

The children dressed as their favourite characters and all looked amazing!

Thank you to all the parents/grandparents for coming.  

There were lots of activities linked to our favourite core stories and books everywhere.  Some of the children brought their favourite books to share with us and some of them shared their book with their family member.

The children chose which story they would like to end the stay and read session by voting.  Then Tracy read the story with the most votes to the children and their parents/grandparents.

In the morning, the children ended their session watching a story called 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy' this was a live story from Burnley Youth Theatre. The children really enjoyed this.

In the afternoon, the children ended the session watching a song version of the Gruffalo.



15th March 2024

More Star Readers


22nd March 2024

More Star Readers

26th March 2024

Learning about the life cycle of a frog

Today, the children looked closely at some frogspawn.  They talked about what it looks like and saw photographs of different stages.  The frogspawn is going back to the pond over the holidays and we will then bring some back to nursery, for the children to see, when we come back after the holidays.

26th March 2024

Attendance Awards

27th March 2024

Star Readers

Well done to all the children who have received stickers and book prizes this term

18th April 2024

Eid Celebrations

What a wonderful day we have had at nursery.  Lots of Eid crafts, mehndi and a visit from Charly (Burnley Youth Theatre)

Charly read a story called 'Can you find my Eid presents' to all the children.  She then went into the reading den and small groups of children went to do lots of different drama with her.

18th April 2024

Our Eid photobooth

The children really embraced the experience of dressing up in traditional clothes and having their photograph taken in 'the Mosque' 

19th April 2024

Our Eid Party

We celebrated Eid today in Green.  The children loved our party.

They did some dancing, they made up their own plate of party food and they looked at some really special artefacts that related to Ramadan and Eid.  We ended the morning by all sitting together and sharing our delicious plates of food.

Thank you to all parents that brought the delicious food!

19th April 2024

Our Easter Egg Competition Winners

Well done to our winners!

22nd April 2024

Culture and Heritage


What a wonderful day we have had. 

Some families from Romania and Malawi,

came dressed in traditional clothes and all the children in nursery got to see them.

What a wonderful experience!

Thank you to all the families!

23rd April 2024

Culture and Heritage


Today, in Green Nursery, the children got to taste food from different countries.

Parents cooked and served food from Romania, Pakistan and Lithuania.

We were really impressed with the children trying different food.

Thank you again to all the families!


24th April 2024

Culture and Heritage


Today Naomi and Rachel came from BrazUKa & Katumba Team.

The children experienced music, dance and drumming from Brazil and went on a journey through a Brazilian rainforest.

It has been another wonderful day!

25th April 2024

Culture and Heritage

Story Telling and Drama

The children had another visit from Charly (Burnley Youth Theatre)

She told the children a new story, 'Handa's Noisy Night'

They then worked in little drama groups learning more about the animals that were in the story.

Morning Children

Afternoon Children

26th April 2024

More Star Readers

Tuesday 20th April

Our interactive Oral Health Story

We had a visit from Hina the storyteller who performed an interactive story all about oral health. A good time was had by all. Thank you to the families who attended.

3rd May 2024

More Star Readers

17th May 2024

Another Star Reader

24th May 2024

More Star Readers

7th & 14th June 2024

More Star Readers

18th June 2024

Walking in the local environment

Over the next few weeks, the children will be going for walks in the local environment. 

So far, their observation skills have been amazing. 

They have seen minibeasts, eggs on leaves, flowers of all kinds, vehicles, roads, pavements, buildings, signs containing shape, letters and numbers.

They have also revisited our learning on road safety and used a pelican crossing and a zebra crossing.

They all recalled the Green Cross Code too, when crossing roads without crossings.

Here are some of the pictures so far...

Our children

10th July 2024

Our linking day with Moorgate Nursery School

We went to Burnley Youth Theatre today to meet with the children from Moorgate Nursery School. The children were very excited to go on the bus.  Once we were at the theatre, the children did 3 sessions.  




They has a picnic packed lunch and were excited to meet our friends from Moorgate!

What a fabulous day we had, it was lovely to see the children and teachers that we have got to know over the year!



11th July 2024

Sports Day 2024


Sports day was amazing!  Thank you to all the parents who came to share it with us

12th July 2024

Our Favourite Core Story

After a year of amazing core stories, the children have chosen their favourites...

16th July 2024

Star Readers

16th July 2024

Attendance Awards


17th July 2024

A Year in Green Nursery

17th July 2024

A year in Green Nursery Presentation

17th July 2024

Presentation Day

After a year of nursery, we presented the children with their learning Journals today.  What a wonderful day of celebrating amazing children that have learned so much!
