
Bradley Nursery School

Growing and Learning Together

Blue Nursery

Icy, Cold Adventures!

What a return to nursery we have had! The children have loved exploring our winter season and have used excellent description when exploring the cold ice. 
The children have made amazing snowmen using playdough and have been busy trying to find Jack Frost in our outdoor classroom. 
We have revisited our core stories from last term, Daddy Do my Hair, Peace at Last, Stick Man and The colour Monsters and learned what the word title means. We are all very clever and have settled back into nursery so well! 

19th December 2024

Christmas Dinner

The children had roast chicken dinner and all the trimmings for their Christmas dinner today. 

Thank you Ellen, it was delicious!

Christmas party and a special visitor 

We have had a very exciting day today! We have enjoyed party games, making our own party food and pinning the nose on the snowman. A very special visitor came to our classroom and left us a present each. It was Father Christmas and he told us that his reindeer were resting and having food on the roof whilst he was was delivering our presents. 

Is it in, on or under?


We have had a busy week in blue nursery this week learning all about positional language. We have been practising putting Stickman (and other objects) in, on and under different objects and places. 
We have also been learning that words have meaning and we have been on a word hunt inside and outside seeing if we can find and match different words. 

Star Reader

Star Reader

Stick Man Learning


We had a very busy week at nursery last week with lots of exciting learning! We have been looking at our families and recognising things that are the same and things that are different. We practised counting to 5 and counted out sticks onto our five frames. We had lots of fun!

Our Star Readers

Hot Chocolate in Nature

Today the children went to Nature and experienced hot chocolate being made on a campfire. They were so sensible and safe and most of them tried the hot chocolate. We had an amazing time!

Friday 1st November 2024 

Our star readers of the week! 

Welcome to Blue Nursery


Our School Promises


Be kind

Be calm

Be safe

Be ready to learn


11th October 2024

Our First Terms Learning
