SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)
Welcome to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities pages
At Bradley Nursery School we believe that every local child should feel welcomed and that their individual needs should be met.
We are a fully inclusive nursery school in Nelson Lancashire, which means that all staff work with children who have special educational needs and disabilities. It’s everyone’s responsibility to support every child so that they progress educationally, emotionally and physically.
Our key aim is to make sure every child can learn through our curriculum.
· Sometimes children need extra help to take part in learning.
· They might need some time in a small group.
· They might need more time to learn a new skill.
· A few children may find the main nursery class rooms are overwhelming and will be placed in our quieter
nurture space called the Nest.
· We’ll talk to you if this is the case.
· We’ll agree with you how we can work together to give your child extra help.
Lots of children have difficulties with their learning. These can be short term, or last throughout childhood. If you notice that your child has difficulties with their talking, walking or emotions please speak to your child’s class teacher or one of our SENCOs
Jane McWilliam Debbie Gornall-Fox
They can be contacted at nursery through the general office on 01282 615183 or emailed at:-
Bradley Nursery School’s Local Offer provides parents/carers with information about our provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Useful information
The following external links to websites are provided as a means of support for parents and professionals for accessing further information regarding SEND.
SEND Code of Practice
SEND Guide for Parents
Independent Support for families
Brings together all agencies in Lancashire which provide SEND services for children, young people, their parents and carers, with representatives from those who use the service. They share regular updates and information about changes taking place on their website and Facebook page
SENDIAS (Lancashire’s SEND Information, Advice and Support)
· Support parents/carers of children who have or may have special educational needs.
· Support children and young people who have or may have special educational needs.
· Recognise the importance of parents, carers, young people and children's views.
· Help the Local Authority and parent/carers and schools work together to meet the needs of children and young
· Offer free impartial advice
Phone: 0300 123 6706 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Lancashire SEND Newsletter (Termly)
Other Organisations
Contact - charity for families with disabled children
Special Needs Jungle - Parent led information resources and informed opinion about children and young people 0-25
EHCP Journeys - Parents experience of EHC process